The Charlie & Carter Foundation Limited

Registered Charity Number: 1166538
South Shields, Tyne & Wear


Date Posted: 19 Oct 2014

 The Charlie Cookson Foundation will be amongst the first charities in the country to use its own, unique personalised text code TCCF01 to raise funds using JustTextGiving by Vodafone.


This is a brand new, free service for charities, which has no set up or fundraising costs for charities, no network charges for people making donations and every penny donated goes to charity.


From today, supporters of The Charlie Cookson Foundation can make donations of up to £10 by texting TCCF01 and either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 to 70070 to make their donation.  The text message is free and all of the donation will be passed to The Charlie Cookson Foundation.


Sarah Cookson of The Charlie Cookson Foundation said: “This is a wonderful way for us to raise money as its speedy, simple and spontaneous.  Most people have a mobile phone these days so we expect this to be very popular with our supporters.”


For further information, please contact The Charlie Cookson Foundation on 07834545804


For further information about JustTextGiving by Vodafone please visit

Every penny donated gives huge impact to the families we support. You can help us to help other families by simply donating whatever you can to Charlie Cookson Foundation.

Raising funds for a local charity is an excellent way of showing you care and supporting our work so that we can relieve financial worry for parents who provide 24 hour care for their sick or seriously ill child.

Thank you all so much for your continued support

Love from all at the Charlie Cookson Foundation xxxxxx