Charity Appeals

People's Trust For Endangered Species

Registered Charity Number: 274206

People's Trust For Endangered Species Charity Appeals

Conservation Partnerships Appeal

Our Conservation Partnerships Programme supports global experts. Through our long-term work supporting conservationists around the world, we are uniquely positioned to judge where the most effective work to safeguard wildlife is taking place. And behind each successful project is a talented individual with the drive and leadership skills to direct it. Meet the outstanding individuals who we’re proud to call our Conservation Partners. More information»

Stag Beetles Appeal

The stag beetle is our largest land beetle and the males have characteristic ‘antlers’- but don’t worry, they are harmless. These amazing creatures used to be a common sight, especially in the south of the UK, but sadly they are declining. They’ve even become extinct in a couple of European countries. We can’t let that happen here, so please join us in a national effort to save them this summer by recording your sightings for the Great Stag Hunt. More information»

Water Voles Appeal

By the end of the 1990s we had lost more than 90% of our nation’s water voles. This was due to habitat loss and fragmentation during the 20th century and more recent pressures from non-native American mink. A recent report estimated a further 30% decline in the places where water voles live in England and Wales between 2006-2015. We’re dedicated to saving this national treasure, and you can help. More information»

Hedgehog Appeal

Numbers of rural hedgehogs have declined nationally by between 30 – 75% since 2000. However, they are showing signs of recovery in urban and suburban areas. These findings were revealed by our own mammal surveys and supported by the findings of other organisations in the State of Britain’s Hedgehogs 2022 report. With our partners, The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS), we coordinate hedgehog conservation work across the UK. Join us in the fight to save the nations favourite mammal. More information»

Dormice Appeal

Our national monitoring shows the population of hazel dormice has declined by half since 2000, with the species hanging on mostly in southern parts of England and Wales. Climate change, as well as changes in woodland management, farming practices and loss of hedgerows, have all taken a heavy toll on their living space. Dormice are good indicators of animal and plant diversity, and dormouse-friendly habitats are also good for woodland birds, bats and butterflies which is why we’re working hard to reverse the decline and promote recovery in British woodlands. More information»