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Charity Christmas Gifts for Kids

Our latest charity Christmas gift guide is just for kids (well, perhaps some big kids too!)

We've discovered some creative toys that will be even more fun for knowing you've helped a charity along the way.

In fact, we are pretty tempted by some of these ourselves! Now where is the den kit for adults?


RSPB bird finger puppets.jpg

RSPB bird finger puppets


Cancer Research the human body science kit.jpg

The Human Body science kit from Cancer Research 


Amnesty International tyre swing.jpgBritish Red Cross cradle swing set.jpg

Recycled tyre horse swing set from Amnesty International

Cradle swing set from British Red Cross 


National Trust 50 Things to do before you're 11.jpg Marie Curie book of family games.jpeg Woodland Trust Tree Detective handbook.jpeg


'50 Things to do Before you're 11 3/4' from National Trust 

'The Bumper Book of Family Games' from Marie Curie Cancer Care

'Tree Detective's Handbook' from Woodland Trust 


Alzheimer's Society juggling balls.jpg British Heart Foundation skipping rope.jpg

Juggling balls from Alzheimer's Society

Skipping rope from British Heart Foundation


Royal Academy doodle pillow case.jpg

Doodle art pillow from The Royal Academy 


UNICEF transport play set.jpg

UNICEF aid workers transport play set 


Shakespeare's Globe plague rat.jpg Battersea Dogs and Cats Home rottweiler toy.jpg

Plague rat from Shakespeare's Globe

Rocky the Rottweiler from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home 


Friends of the Earth flower press.jpg

Friends of the Earth flower press 


Great Ormond Street children's hoody.jpg

Great Ormond Street Hospital children's hoodie 


Clic Sargent spaceperson baking set.jpg

Space traveller baking set from Clic Sargent 


RHS bug viewer.jpg Eden Project kids worm farm.jpg Sue Ryder giant chalk.jpg

Bug Viewer from Royal Horticultural Society

Kid's worm farm from The Eden Project

Giant outdoor chalk from Sue Ryder 


Royal Air Froce Benevolent Fund red arrow flying suit.jpg

Children's Red Arrows flying suit from Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund 


London Transport Museum build your own black cab.jpeg

London Transport Museum 'Build your own black cab' kit 


Cat's Protection animal skittle set.png

Animal skittles from Cat's Protection


RNLI collectible cre bear helmsman.jpg International Animal Rescue slow loris.jpg Shelterbox toy dog.jpg

RNLI helmsman crew bear

Slow loris toy from International Animal Rescue

Toy dog with bandana from Shelterbox


English Heritage grey knights kitbag.jpg

Grey knights kit bag from English Heritage 


Traidcraft Bird Water Whistles.jpg Sue Ryder ukelele.jpg

Painted bird water whistles from Traidcraft

Beginner's ukelele from Sue Ryder


WWF active monkey bib.png

'Active Monkey' bib from WWF 


Friends of the Earth Geo Dice game.jpeg

GeoDice geography game from Friends of the Earth 


ZSL Ringo Meerkat adoption soft toy.jpg

Meerkat adoption kit and stuffed toy from Zoological Society of London 


Eden Project kid's den kit.jpg

Kid's 'build your own den' kit from The Eden Project 


Save the Children school bag.jpg

School bag kit from Save the Children "Your gift of a school bag kit will help children who have had to flee from home because of an emergency like a war or natural disaster."


 Don't forget to also check out our TOP 40 CHARITY CHRISTMAS CARDS!