Charity Choice Blog

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Posted in Lifestyle

Virtual Christmas Gifts


At Charity Choice we believe in keeping the Christmas season magical, so we are here to help banish away your gift buying burdens. Do you want to find a unique gift for your loved one that will also benefit your favourite charitable cause? Then why not purchase a virtual gift! A virtual gift means that in exchange for money the charity will carry out an action that in some way will directly benefit the cause on your behalf. You will then receive a token, often a card or certificate, thanking you for your contribution. Take a look at some of the virtual gifts that you can purchase:


                                        Save the Children - Bicycle for health worker

Buy a bike for a health worker and you can help them reach hundreds of sick children in hard-to-reach places.  Make it even more personal and special by adding your own message and you’ll receive a beautiful card and feel-good fridge magnet to pass on to the person you are gifting it on behalf of.  




                                                        WWF - Adopt a Snow Leopard

Dreaming of a white Christmas? These captivating animals also enjoy snowy days. Through adopting a Snow Leopard this Christmas you will be helping protect this endangered species from threats like poaching, loss of prey and conflict with people... and who could resist the cute cuddly toy?



                                                         Oxfam Teach a Man to Fish

‘Teach a man to fish, and you’ll feed him for a lifetime’… and you can do just that and more this Christmas. Your gift will bring men and women life-changing skills. Oxfam provides training on improving their catch and teaches business skills so that they get the best possible price for their fish at market, which means a brighter future for an entire family. 




                                                       World Vision Cooking Lessons

In many parts of the world traditional food isn't very nutritious and vegetables aren't popular (scones with cream and jam anyone?). The gift of cooking lessons will teach a mother how to cook the most nutritious meals for her family, from food she can get or grow where they live.


Present Aid Love a Lav

Ok we know that a toilet isn’t the most sought after Christmas present in the western world but this gift helps provide toilets in villages without any access to clean water and adequate sanitation facilities. It’ll help thousands of people who have been displaced by the conflict in South Sudan.  


                                                       World Gifts Begin a Business

Always thought about starting or owning your own business? Well now you can help make that dream come true for someone living in a developing country. Your gift of knowledge and equipment will help someone build a better future for themselves and their families.


                                                 Age International Donkey Ambulance

Take an ambulance, swap the sirens for ‘Hee-haww’ and what do you get? A donkey ambulance! Your gift this Christmas can help transfer sick or frail older people to a health clinic of hospital in remote rural areas… by donkey.


                                                              WDC Adopt a Dolphin

Take your pick of Moonlight, Spirit, Rainbow or Mischief – all dolphins you can adopt through WDC this Christmas. Through your gift you can help protect dolphins in Scotland from oil and gas activity and industrial development, get to know your individual dolphin and help WDC give these amazing dolphins a safer future.