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Elephant Gin for Wildlife Charities

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Who knew that a nice G&T could also help charity? A newly launched gin is committed to donating 15% of their profits to help African elephants - now that is refreshing!


Elephant Gin has only recently been launched, and was inspired by the pioneering spirit of 19th century explorers. It uses a mix of fourteen botanicals, including African Baobab, Buchu plant (with a flavour similar to blackcurrant), and African Wormwood, along with more traditional European plants such as lavender, sweet apple, and orange peel. The gin is produced in small batches, with a floral, fruity and spicy flavour. 


The company is passionate about African wildlife conservation, and contributes 15% of all profits to two African elephant charities. The two founders were inspired to start a company following their own travels in Africa, deciding to launch a product that would help conservation trusts. Their UK Director, Henry Palmer, said: “Integrity and passion is at the heart of Elephant Gin’s philosophy: from carefully sourcing ingredients and using the best techniques to create a premium product, to creating a sustainable, ethical business that supports Africa’s unique wildlife.”


Founder Tessa Wienker adds “As well as actively supporting some fantastic foundations devoted to the conservation of wildlife in Africa, we hope to raise wider awareness and involve more people directly with conservation in future.” 


You can find out more about Elephant Gin, including stockists, on their website