Through Charity Choice you can search thousands of charities in the UK and select the one that champions your interests and values; you can use our quick search on the homepage or click through to our advanced search to filter on location or browse through by charity category or type...
Can’t decide on a charity?
There are more than 160,000 registered charities in the UK which all carry out vital and inspiring work, so finding one to support can be a challenge! If you’re finding making a decision tricky we’ve put together some handy financial reports that will help you compare how charities spend their money.
At Charity Choice, we are champions of transparency, so we pride ourselves in giving up-to-date financial information on charities. Our reports tell you exactly how every £1 donated is spent by the charity and they are free to access by all.
You may find our charity reports particularly useful if you are searching for a charity to support on behalf of your school (or group) or if you work for a company that has a corporate social responsibility programme looking to find a charity that best fits with the values of your organisation. Our reports are a great way to find out all the financial information you need to make the best decision.
To download a report all you need to do is search our directory, find a charity, click on your chosen charity’s profile, then click on the ‘Free Report’ button on their page.
What are you doing for charity?
Here at Charity Choice, we love to hear about the great work that charity supporters across the country are doing . Whatever you are up to for charty - Tell us about it, post pics and connect with us on Twitter!