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Test your lipreading skills with this online quiz

Hearing Dogs for deaf people - Naga Munchetty..jpg


Time to put your best paw forward!

We love a good selfie, so imagine our excitement when we heard that the charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People had an online quiz involving video selfies! Before you start getting camera shy we should point out that the quiz isn't about making selfie videos, but rather about watching them.

The quirky quiz asks you to put your lipreading skills to the test by trying to guess what actress Pauline Quirke, BBC newsreader Naga Munchetty and former Big Brother winner Sam Evans are saying in their selfie films. Easy? Think again!

The quiz is all part of the charity's Deaf for a Day campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the daily obstacles that the hard of hearing can face. In the UK 1 in 6 people suffer from hearing loss, so Hearing Dogs for Deaf People aim to help provide independence by training dogs to alert deaf people to important sounds, such as smoke alarms or the telephone. 

 Take the lipreading quiz here


A great part of this new campaign is that the charity is putting supporters in the shoes of those with hearing loss. Their ambassador, John Barrowman, got involved and spent a day using gel inserts to simulate 60% hearing loss so he could experience the daily challenges of deaf people first hand. You can read more about his experience here.


If you want to help, you can find more hearing impairment charities to support in our directory, or make a donation to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People on their Charity Choice page.