Cat Action Trust

The Cat Action Trust is the pioneering society for the welfare of feral cats.

Registered Charity Number: 1063947 , SC041997
Croydon, Surrey

The Cat Action Trust is the pioneering society for the welfare of feral cats. We were founded in 1975 and were among the first to use the Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) humane method of controlling feral cats.

Feral cats are often ordinary domestic cats living wild because they have been lost or abandoned. And they multiply - a healthy female can give birth to up to 120 kittens in her life time. Kittens grow up without contact with humans and are often terrified when they do encounter them. Feral cats form colonies wherever they can find food – the grounds of hospitals and other institutions, farms, disused buildings and building sites amongst others. The traditional answer to this is for a pest control firm to trap and kill the whole colony – leaving a vacuum which would soon be refilled.


The Cat Action Trust saw this slaughter as both cruel and senseless and so is dedicated to helping these cats. It was felt that it was much better to control, contain and maintain the cat population.

Cat Action Trust volunteers visit colonies, trap cats, have them neutered and treated for any health problems, tame the kittens and find domestic homes and return the neutered adults to their site if there is provision for food and shelter. If there is not they are removed to other sites where there is food and shelter, usually in small groups. Volunteers organise feeding rotas and keep an eye open for any new arrivals which may need veterinary treatment or neutering; and to ensure all the cats are safe and well.

The wisdom of this work was swiftly appreciated and not least by the cats - some of whom found themselves on payrolls as a sort of 'Securicor' of rat catchers -  instead of being classified as a public nuisance.


AND TODAY... there are many Branches around the country trapping, neutering and caring about feral cats. Many thousands of feral cats have been neutered, but there is a great deal still to be done.

In addition to working with feral and stray cats, the Cat Action Trust has extended its care to that of all cats; and so will offer help to any cat wherever we can.


Contact Us

Cat Action Trust The Kings Mill Partnership
DS House
306 High Street

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Financial Information

March 2024
March 2023
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Total Expenditure