Hull and East Yorkshire Medical Research Centre

Registered Charity Number: 1095652

53.776733, -0.444985

The Daisy Appeal

The Hull and East Yorkshire Medical Research Centre Charity / Daisy Appeal (CC 1095652) was established in 2002. The North of England has always received significantly less funding than the South in terms of scientific investment, both infrastructural and staffing. Considering its considerably lower average life expectancy and higher incidence of many lethal diseases this would seem inequitable. The Charity’s aim remains the promotion of local medical research for patient benefit, particularly but not exclusively in the areas of cancer and cardiac disease. It embraces a population of 1.7million: some 400,000 of these live in the ‘most deprived areas’

The Charity has been a catalyst for collaboration between the local NHS and the University of Hull and was an effective force in the establishment of the Hull York Medical School. It has raised more than £22Million for 4 interlinked projects.

Financial Information

September 2023
September 2022
Total Income
Total Expenditure