YMCA England & Wales

Registered Charity Number: 212810

Leave a Gift in your will

A gift in your Will to YMCA is a gift that will last a lifetime

By including YMCA in your Will, you can give young people of the future the support they need to become the people they hope to be.

Gifts in Wills account for around a third of our voluntary income. That means so many of the young people we support only get a fair start in life because someone like you remembered them in your Will. By leaving a gift to YMCA, no matter how big or small, you will be giving a young person of the future a fair start in life.

Making a Will is a personal and private matter, and we completely understand that you’ll want to think it over in your own time. That’s why we’ve prepared a short booklet to help you consider your options.

Request a Gift in Will Guide Today - https://www.ymca.org.uk/donate/leave-a-gift-in-your-will/free-will-guide

Free Will Service

Making a Will is a personal and private matter, and we completely understand that you’ll want to think it over in your own time. That’s why we’ve prepared this short booklet to help you consider your options.

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