Life In Abundance (ecuador) Trust

Independence... dignity... hope. A future full of possibilities.

Registered Charity Number: 1106851
Southend-on-sea, Essex

51.568602785029, 0.57689586364165

We are a Christian charity working to alleviate suffering and hardship in Ecuador.

The charity focuses on:

- Education for disabled children.

- A help for abused and disadvantaged women and their children.

LIAT works with La Fundación Vida en Abundancia, registered with MIES, number 2082, in the busy, fast growing city of Santo Domingo de Los Colorados, which lies just beneath the Andean mountain range, three hours away from Quito, the capital. The aim of this work is to bring a better future to needy families in Ecuador.

The LIAT logo, a Monarch butterfly, symbolises "abundant life". The charity seeks to improve the lives of the poor and marginalised and to show God's great love and hope of a full and abundant life.

Contact Us

Life In Abundance (ecuador) Trust 11 Sackville Road

Phone: +44 7472932123


Charity Choice Directory Listings

Financial Information

April 2023
April 2022
Total Income
Total Expenditure