Leaving a gift in your will
Investing in the future of St Luke's
St Luke’s wants to be around to help as many clergy as we can – now and in the future. All our income relies on trusts and foundations, parish giving, and donations from generous individuals like yourself. This means that gifts left in wills have a huge impact on the charity and the help we can give to clergy.
What difference can you make?
By leaving a gift in your will, you could transform the care we offer to the clergy and their families. Your gift can:
- Provide a priest or their spouse and children with psychological counselling sessions, hugely beneficial after a difficult time
- Fund a reflective practice group for clergy, giving them a supportive network that helps them in their ministry
- Support our preventive workshops and services which give clergy the skills to manage their own mental health wellbeing and that of those parishioners who rely upon them
- Help us to keep clergy active and flourishing in their ministry
How can I leave a gift in my will?
Thank you for considering leaving a gift to St Luke’s in your will.
Suggested wording for your will:
I give __% of my residuary estate OR I give the sum of £___ free of all taxes to St Luke’s Healthcare for the Clergy (acting under the name of St Luke’s), Room 103, Church House, 27 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3AZ (Charity No. 1123195) and I declare that the receipt of an officer of St Luke’s Healthcare for the Clergy shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.
To discuss leaving a gift in confidence, or for more information, please contact our Director of Philanthropy.
I’ve already left a gift to St Luke’s in my will
If you have already left a gift in your will to St Luke’s, could you please let us know?
Not only will this give us confidence and resources to continue to care for clergy in the future, but it also gives us the chance to thank you properly.
Any information you give us will be treated in the strictest confidence, and you can change your mind about giving to St Luke’s, at any time.
Thank you
Visit https://www.stlukesforclergy.org.uk/leaving-a-gift-in-your-will/
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