The Gorilla Organization (formerly the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund)

Registered Charity Number: 1117131

Leave a legacy

“When you realize the value of all life, you dwell less on what is past and concentrate more on the preservation of the future”

Dr Dian Fossey 

Why should I remember the Gorilla Organization in my Will?

Gorillas, along with chimpanzees and bonobos, are our closest relatives. Yet tragically these intelligent, gentle creatures are on the brink of extinction. The world's last remaining mountain gorillas live in the lush forests of the Virungas Massif and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in central Africa, but the demand for their precious habitat is posing one of the greatest threats to the future of these magnificent animals.  

By leaving a legacy to the Gorilla Organization you will help to ensure that gorillas and their forest home are protected for generations to come. 

Your gift will make a real difference to our gorilla conservation projects tackling the long-term threats to the gorillas’ survival. For example:

  • £1,000 could provide educational materials for 350 Wildlife Clubs for one year, helping to educate the next generation of gorilla guardians
  • £6,000 could fund a ranger patrol post in the gorilla forests of eastern DRC for one year
  • £10,000 could build a protective wall between the gorilla habitat and farmland, allowing the gorillas and their human neighbours to thrive in peace
  • £100,000 could fund our basic programme in DRC for one year

How do I remember the Gorilla Organization in my Will?

If you have not already made a Will, your first step should be to consult a solicitor. A Will is a legal document, and so seeking professional advice will help to ensure that your wishes will be fulfilled.

You might like to leave a specific amount to gorilla conservation, or a portion of your estate. You can find out more about different types of legacy gift, and suggested wording to use below.

Changing your Will to support the Gorilla Organization 

If you have already made a Will but would like to add a gift to the Gorilla Organization, this can be done using a codicil. This is a legal addition to your Will that need not change the terms of your existing Will. You can download a Codicil form on the right of this page - please do consult your solicitor before completing the form. 


Contact Us

Jillian Miller
The Gorilla Organization
110 Gloucester Avenue
London (Greater London)

Phone: 020 7916 4974



Suggested wording for solicitors

Suggested wording for an amendment to your will

Download PDF

Make a Pledge

Gifts left in wills are really important to The Gorilla Organization (formerly the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund). However even if you haven't made a will, making a pledge to do so in the future would really help us to find out about your future intentions.

Pledges are not legally binding so by filling out this form you are not committing yourself! You are simply allowing The Gorilla Organization (formerly the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund) to confidently estimate future support for their cause.

Download Pledge Form

Leave a Legacy

Please consult your solicitor before completing this form

Download Codicil Form

Find a solicitor to help with your will

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