Walsall Society for the Blind
Can you help us?
We rely on the generosity of the general public to help us fund our services.
Gifts in Wills and donations allow us to continue to provide our vital services, to ensure that no one is left alone in the dark world of sight loss.
If you think you can help by leaving a gift in your Will, or a small donation. A little helps makes a big difference.
Where will your money go?
65p- Pays for a 5 minute phone call to one of our clients to make sure they are safe and well and their needs are met.
£15.00- Funds a home visit from our Community Officer, who will provide advice and information on a whole range of topics including Welfare Benefits, Aids and Equipment, Adaptations, Relevant Agencies, Support Groups and Social Groups.
£25.00- Pays for one person to attend our Social Activity Centre, which provides a happy environment for clients, where they can enjoy many social activities such as lunches and days out, quizzes, bingo, dancing, various crafts and entertainment whilst meeting new friends.
£50.00- Provides 150 of our clients our weekly Walsall Talking Newspaper, which provides travel information, important news, light entertainment and chat.
If you would like any more information, or if you think you can help in any way please get in touch.
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