Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG)

Working together to beat childhood cancer

Registered Charity Number: 1182637
Leicester, Leicestershire

Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group is a leading children’s cancer charity and the UK and Ireland’s professional association for those involved in the treatment and care of children with cancer. Each week in the UK and Ireland, more than 30 children are diagnosed with cancer. Two out of ten children will not survive their disease.

Over the last 40 years, CCLG has played a key role in the major improvements in survival rates and the standards of care for children. We bring together childhood cancer professionals to ensure all children receive the best possible treatment and care.

There are still some childhood cancers with a poor outlook, and many treatments can have long-lasting side effects. Further research is therefore vital, and the ultimate aim of CCLG is to cure as many children as possible while reducing the short and long-term side effects of treatment. We fund and support research into childhood cancers, and we help young patients and their families with our expert, high quality and award-winning information resources.

We receive no permanent funding and are reliant on our valued supporters to continue our vital work.

Contact Us

Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) Century House
24 De Montfort Street

Phone: 0333 050 7654


Financial Information

December 2023
December 2022
Total Income
Total Expenditure