People's Trust For Endangered Species

Registered Charity Number: 274206

Creating new homes for wildlife: establishing a new hedge

Date Posted: 22 Mar 2023

It’s National Hedgerow Week and this year we are celebrating hedgerows as homes for wildlife. From bats in the tree canopy, to song thrushes in the scrub layer and hedgehogs at the hedge base, a multitude of species call the hedgerow network home. In fact, one study counted 2070 species in one 85m stretch of hedgerow! This figure alone should be enough to encourage us all to pick up spades and start planting a hedge in the next suitable space. BUT, this is not just a matter of planting trees with tree guards and letting them grow without management for the next 30 years. Instead, a newly planted hedge needs nurturing and careful management in its early years and beyond.

Read more here: Creating new homes for wildlife: establishing a new hedge - PTES