Your gift of a lifetime
Each year at The University of Cambridge Veterinary School over 4,000 animals benefit from the facilities and equipment that the Trust’s supporters help to provide and, over the years, legacies have provided a vital source of funding for all areas of the School.
We hope that you may consider The University of Cambridge Veterinary School Trust in your Will
Our Cancer Therapy Unit – the first one in Europe dedicated to the treatment and care of animals – would not have been possible without a generous bequest from an individual donor. Another major legacy in 1986 allowed Cambridge Veterinary School to establish the world’s first Chair in Animal Welfare. More recently, legacies have given a substantial boost to our ‘shareourcare’ Campaign for three major projects: the Small Animal Surgical Suite; the Equine Diagnostic Unit and the Peter Jackson Farm Animal Medicine Centre. Our last major campaign for a new radiotherapy machine was greatly helped by people remembering the Trust in their Wills.
Alongside these major developments, legacies have enabled the Hospital to purchase much needed equipment – from orthopaedic drill sets to vet beds and kennels. Every gift, no matter how large or small, is vital to the work of Cambridge Veterinary School and helps us to plan for the future with more confidence.
Thank you for your consideration and support; by remembering us in your Will you would be making a lasting contribution of our work.
Visit https://camvet.vet.cam.ac.uk/Support/Legacy
Contact Us
Liz Smith or Katy Stevenson
(Fundraising Executives)
University of Cambridge Veterinary School Trust
Madingley Road
Phone: 01223 337630
Email: trust.office@vet.cam.ac.uk
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