World Villages For Children

Ending poverty through education

Registered Charity Number: 1058973
London, Greater London

We believe in a brighter future created for, and by, children

A future where the course of a person’s life is not dictated by the circumstances of their birth, and where there is genuine equality of opportunity, regardless of race, gender or beliefs.

We know that education is the key to ending poverty and achieving sustainable positive change. Children can only learn effectively in a safe, secure and loving environment.

World Villages for Children supports the education programmes of the Sisters of Mary to run live-in schools for the most deprived boys and girls across the world. In the Philippines, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Honduras and Tanzania we fund school places and the daily care needed for nearly 20,000 of the world’s most deprived children each year.

Alongside a strong academic foundation, the children learn vocational and social skills, but above all they experience the joy of a childhood free from fear and the chance of a life free from poverty for themselves and their loved ones.

Charity Financial information

Contact Us

World Villages For Children Kings Buildings
16 Smith Square
Greater London

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Financial Information

December 2023
December 2022
Total Income
Total Expenditure