World Villages For Children

Ending poverty through education

Registered Charity Number: 1058973
London, Greater London

Consider leaving World Villages for Children a gift in your will

Your Support Makes A Lasting Difference. Consider A Gift To World Villages For Children In Your Will.

A will is a good way to plan for the needs of your family and loved ones – and by leaving a gift to World villages for Children in your will, you can create a better future for the most deprived children around the World.

We’re dedicated to caring for the world’s most impoverished children, but without your help, the work of World Villages for Children would not be possible.

By leaving a gift to World Villages for Children in your final wishes, you can provide a safe place to live and learn and the chance of a productive future for a child living in desperate poverty in Guatemala, Mexico, Brazil, Honduras, the Philippines and Tanzania.

Contact Us

Callum Ball (Supporter Services Officer)
Kings Buildings
16 Smith Square

Phone: 0207 629 3050



World Villages for Children Trustee Annual Report 2022

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Make a Pledge

Gifts left in wills are really important to World Villages For Children. However even if you haven't made a will, making a pledge to do so in the future would really help us to find out about your future intentions.

Pledges are not legally binding so by filling out this form you are not committing yourself! You are simply allowing World Villages For Children to confidently estimate future support for their cause.

Download Pledge Form

Find a solicitor to help with your will

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